How does global change
impact trophic interactions?
impact trophic interactions?
The widespread loss of trophic interactions since the Pleistocene is one of the most lasting consequences of human proliferation. Re-establishing trophic complexity is now a global ecological priority, with the restoration of mammalian carnivores promoted as a means to preserve biodiversity and ecosystem functionality. This predator-driven ecological restoration hinges on the conservation of functional roles across systems, but increasing evidence suggests trophic interactions and functional roles are regulated by environmental factors like landscape and community composition.
To test the conservation of functional roles, I developed a novel stable isotope framework to compare foraging dynamics across space, time, and species. I then assessed Eltonian niche conservatism across carnivore populations and quantified the relative influence of endogenous (e.g., phylogeny) and exogenous (e.g., landscape, community) drivers of foraging. I uncovered widespread dietary plasticity across carnivore populations - even among closely related species in similar landscapes (Fig. 1, Manlick et al., 2019) - indicating that trophic interactions and functional roles are likely context specific. Moreover, community composition and competitive interactions had strong effects on carnivore foraging and function. Fig 1. Resource assimilation by four marten populations in the Pacific Northwest. Posterior distributions represent the probability of resource use for 3 functional prey groups: berries, marine‐derived resources, and terrestrial vertebrates. Diet contribtuions were estimated for American (Martes americana) and Pacific (Martes caurina) marten populations using stable isotope mixing models. Inset significant tests illustrate statistical differences in prey use by population across island and mainland sites. Ultimately, this work demonstrated highly variable Eltonian niches across closely related species in similar ecosystems.